Monday, July 12, 2010

Funny Conversations..

Hey folks, here is a more relaxed post on what's been happening in my life!

My mum has always been ticking me off because of my weight. Every conversation we have will always steer in the direction of my weight "problem".

For example:

Me : Ma, my feet hurt.
Ma : It's 'cause you're too fat!
Me : No la, 'cause just now I exercise marr.
Ma : Yeah, 'cause you're too fat! Your feet can't take your weight!
Me : What la?! I exercise also scold, dont' exercise also scold!
Ma : Yeah, 'cause you're too fat!

But this conversation last week topped it all, like SERIOUSLY!

*Walks into the kitchen. Mum is washing the water filter.*
Me : Ma, I'm not well. I have a bad sore throat.
Ma : It's 'cause you're too fat!
Me : *scratches head* What on earth has a sore throat have to do with me being fat?
Ma : *without pausing* What doesn't it have to do with it? Your fat push against your throat that's why it's sore!

Like seriously! SERIOUSLY! I was like WHAT?!

Anyways, today during biology, our teacher was talking about the horse shoe crab (which is from the Arthropoda phylum and Merostomata class by the way XD) and she was saying how Muslims can't eat haiwan dua alam.

Me : Cikgu, what about frog? Boleh makan kah?
C.Z : Tak boleh. Snail pun tak boleh.
Zhi Wei : Cikgu! Itik boleh?

It may not sound funny here, but we spent the rest of the period laughing! It was just so hilarious! That together with the constant lashing of tongue that we give Shatis!

Who said I don't love Form 6? I do, I really do! It's the studying that I hate! XD

Signing off,

2 opinion(s):

Mariel Nonis said...

Hahahhahah!! Your mum is so funny!!

MarcusDS said...

hahaha..u can come and meet her one day..=)..i intend to bring u over to kulim one day! hahaha..