Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Maybe Home..

This song is written by Esther Wee, and sent in to Jom Bangkit for their Bangkit Album due to be released in

I can only say, ESTHER! I am SOOO PROUD OF YOU! You are so far from home, and yet your heart is here. That really puts all the rest of us to shame. God bless your heart you sweet thang!

Here is the video. Enjoy!

And a little word from the creator..=)

About "Maybe Home":

This song is a simple speech by a youth expressing its views about its home, Malaysia. Though many people are migrating out because they feel that there is no hope left in Malaysia, yet home will still be home no matter what. That is why we as youths must take up the responsibility to rise up (Bangkit) for our beloved nation if we ever want to see a change happening.

Although Malaysia may look like a pretty country from the outside, it has its flaws. We have democracy

But it is merely an illusion. 1Malaysia isn’t really 1Malaysia. We have so called ‘freedom of speech’ but in reality we do not. In fact there is no freedom as we are deprived of a lot of things.

This song illustrates how hypocritical our government can be at times and how we have lost trust and confidence in them.

Our plea is for a change to come, for a better and brighter future for all of us.


1 opinion(s):

~StH3R~ said...

MARCUSS!!!! haha, I can't wait to be back :)
