Monday, May 3, 2010


I just realized, my blog is as cluttered as my life is.

I have been having writers' block and a stroke of laziness. =S
So much to say, no idea how to put it down on paper or blog.

As Elaine che che said "Blogs are dangerous. Stick to journals!"
And so. Here is an honest thought-out-loud. Should I hit the "delete blog" button?
Or give it another shot?

For the time being, I bid thee adieu. This blog shall be temporarily on hiatus until I can really figure out the purpose of its existence. I do not want to shoot words into empty air, only to have good intentions misunderstood. Neither do I want to expose myself here on my blog and be vulnerable.

Is this space a reminiscence of the past? A picture of the present? Or a vision of the future?
Is this a place for me to pour out my feelings as they are, uncensored and unbarred, or is this a place of calm and logic.

So help me God whether I decide to continue or discontinue this blog, but may it all be for Your glory.

Signing off,
An out-of-place blogger

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