Wednesday, February 10, 2010

To Greater Heights..

I'm so excited.

Ask me why!

I'm NOT telling you. Mwahaha..

Hey, don't walk away! Sheesh, talk bout a party pooper.

Hey you! Yes YOU! You who pooped at the par-tay! =)

I'm talkin' to YOU!

I'm so excited.

Ask me why!

Ok, now I'm going to tell you!

God has placed a lil sumthin' sumthin' in my heart! He is taking me to greater heights but not on the highway. I won't be rich or famous. But I want to be faithful! =)

PenHOP was a great experience for me last night, of which I shall not share because I want to keep it personal. But it was totally one-heaven of an experience! =)

Expect to see a lot of me in Penang. And do pray with me for where God is leading me! That's where I would LUURRVVE to go!


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