Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Book of Eli..Great film? I beg to differ..

What is the big excitement about Book of Eli? Why is every Christian who has watched it promoting it to other Christians?Because they have the Bible in it? And because Denzel Washington or Eli spends the whole hour and a half protecting it from being destroyed.

In my humble opinion, killing people to protect a Bible is worst than killing people for fun and is definitely not something that God would approve of. Is the Book of Eli better than SAW or The Hills have Eyes just because it has a protagonist trying to keep God's Word in the World?

I distinctly remember the crusades. I remember how the West came to Asia saying it was "The White Man's Burden" to educate and spread the gospel. Gold and Glory cannot be paired with Gospel my friends. How many people died not knowing the TRUE Word of God by the hands of "Christians" who joined the Crusades. Was it what God wanted?

God said don't use My name in vain. The fact is, the Bible will never be wiped out of the World. Joseph Stalin tried to ban bibles in Russia. Is the Word of God absent from Russia today? Mao Zedong tried to wipe out Christianity in China, yet today, China over-runs with Christians. You tell me, does God need a human vessel to protect His Holy Word?


God doesn't need us! We need Him. Stop justifying the fulfillment of your need for entertainment by relating it to Christ. Jesus said forgive and pray for those who persecute you.

Hollywood is trying to instill vengeance in our soul. This is a snare of the devil. Those who have been watching the seasons and signs know this is timely. In the Church in Malaysia especially. We have been persecuted through the recent burnings. We are suppressed, oppressed and not allowed to speak the Truth. What does the devil want to do? his plan is to cause strife. he is trying to cause disunity among races. God speaks unity; the devil speaks discord.

If you were walking down the street with a Bible in your hand and someone tried to snatch it from you, would you kick him? Shove him away? Shoot him? What did Jesus say? If a stranger asks for your coat that you give him your undercoat as well. If we are expected to do so with earthly materials, what more with a Heavenly-inspired, Spirit-led Book?

All in all, I'm just trying to say, persecution will come. Bibles will be destroyed and lives will be taken. In such times, do we hang on to our Bibles, or do we hang on to our Faith? If the time comes for your bible to be taken, so be it. For if you meditate on the Word, and if you abide in Christ, He shall bring you to all understanding through His Holy Spirit.

So? Start reading the bible now la! Fill your mind with what is good, righteous, pure and acceptable in God's sight. Not with second rate truth like the Book of Eli.

I actually was curious about the show and was going to watch it. But after reading some of the "enthusiastic" comments about it, I have decided not to. O, you can go ahead and watch. I'm not some religious bigot. Yeah, you can say I'm acting all Spiritual and holy holy and goody goody. I don't care. Call me a spoil sport. Call me a pretender, call me pushy, bossy! Call me rude, insensitive, too literal, too extreme. But there are certain truths that are ABSOLUTE. And this is one of them, that if a show about killing to protect the Word can excite you more than the Word itself, something is wrong. Something is terribly wrong with YOU!

Impulsive you say? Maybe. Radical you say? Yes. Irrelevant? Heaven NO! This is all the relevance you'll ever need. And I'm tired of stifling what I feel for your (Christian readers, if there are any.) comfort. If you seek a word pleasing to your ears, don't look here. I'm like this. I was brought up this way, and I feel that this is the best way for me to live out my faith.

So go ahead, watch the show. I won't stop you. But just so you know. And just so everyone knows. Please don't justify a pagan, heathen, non-Christian movie by saying it is good for Christians. Hollywood is Anti-Christian in case you haven't noticed. No offence to those who have watched the show or are going to watch the show. Just stating my views. =) I still love you despite it all, and I'm pretty sure you won't go to hell just because you watched this show. Jesus loves you. Have a good day!

"All things are lawful for me," but not all things are helpful. "All things are lawful for me," but I will not be enslaved by anything. - 1 Corinthians 6:12


3 opinion(s):

R said...

Marc, I like this post! :) Agreed. Too bad no 'like' button. Mind installing one? :D

Unknown said...

Marcus, I didn't read up on the movie before going to see it, and I really wish I had. I want to encourage your conviction not to watch it, since it was far from worth it! The only good in the movie was that he learned at the end that he wasn't living out the words he was protecting and he was repentant of sorts. But it wasn't a huge part, and most of the time there was far too much violence. May God continue to give you wisdom and unadultured love.

MarcusDS said...

Hey Apryl! I dint know you visited my blog. =) Haha.

Hmm, well, i dint put this here to condemn those who watched the film like i said. But yeah, i definitely went thru not watching it.

Thanks for ur encouragement tho. yes, i really need wisdom and a heart of no compromise. See you at PenHOP tomoro nite. =)
